Edit A Page

Before editing the site, it would be good to watch this video to better understand the environment you are working in. You should also read over all the directions before attempting to edit a page.


WPBakery Page Builder Beginners Guide


Login to the web page by typing /wp-admin/ at the end of your domain.




You will end up on the Dashboard page. This is admin section of WordPress. There are lots of important links on the left side. 



In order to edit a page on the site, you want to look at the live site the public sees. You will click the name of your site in the upper left corner.



You will now see the main page of the web site. Using the navigation, find the page you want to edit. Once you are on the page you want to edit, click EDIT PAGE.



You will see the WP Bakery layout of the page. If you need to look at the live page for reference, open it in another browser tab. Find the section you want to edit, and click the pencil. 



You can edit a text block pretty much like a word doc. If you have weird spacing or things don’t work like you want go ahead and edit the text if you can and then ask me to fix any issues. Once you are finished, click SAVE CHANGES. You haven’t permanently changed the web page by selecting SAVE CHANGES



The only thing that is different with the Text block is that you must press enter twice to make a paragraph return



Once you have edited the text, you should preview it by clicking PREVIEW in the top right of the page. The preview will open in a new window. If you are happy with your edits, you can click UPDATE (this will make your changes permanent). If you are not happy with your changes do not click UPDATE, go back to the tab where you are editing the page and do your changes again. If you make a total mess of the page, you can close the page you are editing (as long as you don’t click UPDATE) and the page will remain as it was before you started editing.


****I am more than happy to make a copy of a page on the web site so you can practice editing it without affecting the live page. Just let me know which page you hope to edit and I will set it up.